sapphire02's Diaryland Diary


Trying so hard to quit

I am sitting in the dark because it just seems appropriate.

I feel so uncomfortable with myself.

Overcoming one's faults and bad habits is a hard thing to do.

I'm trying. I'm trying to stop purging. To stop eating period.

These things take time I know. Today I purged lunch then again after work.

I was all set to do it again at dinner when suddenly it just seemed too much. So I prayed.

God was gracious and answered my prayer, I bought a salad instead. One blessing? They forgot to put the salad dressing on it, so I had to use my own.

Mine only has 50 cals. and it was sugar and carb free. I maybe used 25 cals worth.

What am I going to do for food? I don't really know what to eat anymore.

I know that meat makes you lose faster than non-fat. I need to but calories and carbs. Only it's so hard because meat has a lot of cals.

I just wish I didn't eat at all. I wonder if I can do that at all?

I did once. Why can't I now?

11:08 p.m. - 2004-07-12


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