sapphire02's Diaryland Diary


Food addictions

Why didn't I see it? Not even after I had two people mention it to me. All my symptoms I have had over the last month and a half, the constant burping, the indigestion (aside from my digestion slowing down from pregnancy) The increasing lethargy,the sudden weight gain,the sugar cravings (remember my candy post?) the fluctuating blood pressure..all of it due to my wheat allergy.

Because I'm an idiot, that's why

It was cheaper to eat sandwhiches and bread than to go out and buy meat. That's how it started.
Very quickly like it takes over and you are craving it. Everytime you experience a nasty reaction, your body craves more of what is making it sick. Like an alcoholic.

I am not only allergic to wheat, I am also addicted to the stuff. Give me a wonderful3 course meal, and I will eat the bread and the stuffing first.
Brandon's mother baked a cake not too long ago, and I several pieces, no problem I then went home and went on an all wheat diet.

I never over-ate. I don't have the room to do so. But being as I'm so far along in my pregnancy, like i stated before, my digestion slowed down causing the wheat to ferment in my digestion track. EWWWW (anyone that sufferes from this type of allergy knows exactly what I'm talking about)
You get bloated after eating what could be a small meal. You start retaining water and you toss and turn at night in pain from your distended stomach. You get the runs the next morning which allevates a little of the discomfort and then you go out and do it again.
Meanwhile the water weight stays on, and leaks into muscles space and you hurt if you so much as press the sides of your legs.

So there I was. Sudden weight gain righ tbefore my dr visit, I go in and she says I gained 8 pounds. Well I had only stepped on the scale just two days prior and was still 150. Sure enough, there it was 8 pounds, in my face and my feet and in my fingers.
I came home and cried like you wouldn't believe.

I didn't even change my diet three days ago because of the wheat thing, I did it for the water gain. Lo and behold, all my symptoms disappeared over night.

Click, on turns a light

Idiot! How could I be so stupid? I was no longer tossing and turning. I wasn't burping anymore. My bathroom habits, well, let's say they were normal again. My feet are little, my face is not bloated and best of all, this morning I stepped on the scale and I am down by 10 pounds.

10 freaking pounds!

Not only was I carrying a baby, and all that goes with that, but an extra 10 pounds of water??
Why am I alway so damn surprised? ~And why can't I seem to stick to NOT eating the stuff knowing that this very thing happens every single time? How many entries are there concerning this? Too many to count.

It all starts with

"Oh, I can have a little, it's not gonna affect me. I've been good for a long time."

"I don't want to offend so and so, I'll just eat it."

Yep, it's an addiction. One that makes me absolutely miserable.

7:13 a.m. - 2007-04-28


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